Demand Management

Demand Charges can amount to over half of a your total energy bill.

Simple Ways to Save

Lower Demand, Lower Rates

Demand Charges are based on the highest amount of power used during a single 15 minute period. Lower your Demand and you can lower your bill. 

Shift energy to off-peak times.

Shift energy consumption from Peak times to off-peak hours when Rates and Demand are lower. Small changes each day can make a big impact over time. 

Peak Day Pricing Programs

Some utilities offer Peak Demand Programs that offer incentives or bill credits.  

Turn Off

Make sure any equipment that isn’t needed to operate is turned off while not in use.

Pre-Cool your building

Cool your  building during off-peak (mid day) times, and increase set points during Peak periods (4-6pm). 

Late Night

Charge batteries, vehicles and other power equipment after Peak periods (after 9pm). 

Contact us today to start saving.

Energy Advisor

Jennifer Leventon

Your Trusted Energy Partner